Projects I've Worked On


The Submitty logo

Submitty is an open source programming assignment submission system from the Rensselaer Center for Open Source Software (RCOS), launched by the Department of Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).


Visual Logic

Example of the Visual Logic interface

Visual Logic is a tool to represent existential graphs, a visual notation for logic expressions developed by Charles Sanders Peirce. Built using HTML/JS. Read about using it here

Demo GitHub

FSM Builder

example of the finate state builder interface

Finite State Machine builder is a tool to quickly prototype and display FSMs, built with native JS and the HTML canvas. It was also used in an interactive game to teach users about models of computation by solving puzzles.

Demo GitHub

The leggo robot, his name is saggy boi (he was better programmed than built)

Wumpus world is a programming challenge involving an agent attempting to make logical inferences about its environment
I developed the algorithm and programmed the robot, I also made a simulation for testing purposes.

Demo and Simulation


GitHub, Resume, Email
